Introduction to Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection is an important aspect of SHRM designed to make the best use of employee strengths to meet the organization’s strategic goals and objectives (Rees and French, 2010). While both functions are closely related, each of them requires a unique set of skills and expertise that HR staff members will have to fulfil in practice (Rees and French, 2010).

Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals to fill a particular job role by adding value to the organization (Anderson, 2001). The reason for an organization to recruit new individuals would be if an existing employee leaves or during expansion of the organization.  Ideally recruitment will attract a large pool of individuals both qualified and unqualified for the job. A good recruitment procedure in a company will provide enough information for unqualified applicants to remove themselves from the pool (Kumari, 2012).

Recruitment methods can be divided into Internal and External recruitment. Internal recruitment means sourcing for potential individuals to fit the job role within the existing pool of employees in the organization (Kumari, 2012). Internal recruitment methods include promotion, internal memo circulated across the workforce, hiring a temporary worker, or hiring a retired worker as a contractor (Kumari, 2012). External recruitment involves sourcing an individual completely new to the organization with the relevant skills and talent. External recruitment methods include job advertisements, social media and websites (Hamza et al., 2021).

Selection involves evaluating and interviewing potential candidates for a particular job and selecting the right person for the right position at the right time (Hamza et al., 2021). Selection creates a balance between what the potential individual can and wants to do and what the organization requires (Kumari, 2012).


The Recruitment process can be shown in figure 1.0 below.


Figure 1.0- Process of Recruitment 

(Hamza et al., 2021)

Naturub Group of Companies that is a versatile narrow fabric manufacturer in the South Asian Region follow the Recruitment Process shown in Figure 1.0. For many vacancies during this economic crisis the company chooses to use the Internal Recruitment Method due to the cost saving involved rather than hiring a complete outsider.

The recruitment and selection process is an important part of human resource management in organizations. However, it is more important for the HR personnel in charge of recruitment and selection to choose the successful application provided they have adequate information to make the best choice (Rozario et al., 2019)

List of References

Anderson,N.(2001).Towards a theory of socialization impact: Selection as pre-entry socialization. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,9,84-91.

Hamza, P.A. et al. (2021)“Recruitment and selection: The relationship between recruitment and selection with organizational performance,” International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5(3), pp. 1–13. Available at:

Kumari, N. (2012) A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: SMC Global, 2(1).

Rees, G & French, R 2010, The scope and nature of human resource management and human resource development. in G Rees & R French (eds), Leading, managing and developing people. CIPD Publications, London, pp. 12-33.

Rozario, S.D., Venkatraman, S. and Abbas, A. (2019) “Challenges in recruitment and selection process: An empirical study,” Challenges, 10(2), p. 35. Available at: 


  1. True recruitment can be internal or external and both have advantages and drawbacks. Internal recruitment can save cost and time, but you might not be able to see new concepts, innovation and diversity. On other hand external recruitment will bring people with innovation, new ideas, and energy but it will be very costly and time consuming. Therefore, companies must use a combination of these methods (Muscalu, 2015).

    1. Thank you and agreed with your valuable Idea, yes, companies are using combination of these methods further , according to (Jed DeVaro, Antti Kauhanen, and Nelli Valmari) - -2019. The authors conduct a more thorough analysis of enterprises' internal versus external hiring decisions than has been done in previous literature using large-scale, linked, employer-employee, Finnish panel data. The findings indicate that horizontal transfers rather than promotions are used to fill open positions in employment hierarchies more frequently. The majority of horizontal moves are external and within the same job functions, putting internally promoted employees up against external competition for higher-level positions. External and internal horizontal recruits have weaker job performance in the year before the transfer but greater observable ability indicators than internally promoted employees (e.g., education, experience, prior work history). Similar employment histories can be found in both internal and external horizontal hiring.

  2. Agreed on the content above Manoj. Furthermore, Organizations must think about and handle recruitment, selection, and retention as important and crucial human resource procedures in order to develop and thrive in the market (Janes, 2017). The goal of the selection process is to match the candidates’ abilities, knowledge, skills, and experience fairly and legally with the job criteria (Robbins et al. ,2001). The rising need for employment, the use of informal sources of recruitment, and the outsourcing of recruiting functions were some of the issues that had an impact on recruitment and selection in human resource management of small industries (Briggs, 2007).

    1. Many thanks for the comment Romeda, agreed with you according to (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021). The hiring process is the first step in giving the association a competitive edge and recruiting advantage, which is the main responsibility of the HR department. Recruitment is the process of locating and hiring a qualified or suitable person to fill the open position.

  3. Great article Manoj and furthermore, Beer (1984).Recruitment and selection not only seek to attract, obtain, and retain the human resources the organization needs to achieve the strategic goals, but may also have significant impact upon the composition of the workforce, the ultimate fit with the organization's needs and culture, and upon long-range employment stability.

    1. Thanks Chathuri and agreed with your point. further, according to (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021).Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring a qualified or suitable person to fill the available position. It is the first step in giving the association a competitive edge and recruiting advantage. The goals of these guidelines or processes are to improve the standard of the work done, employee engagement, and organizational effectiveness.

  4. A great blog article Manoj. To add further to your content, ‘A good job fit coincides with high levels of job and organizational performance and job satisfaction’ (Nikalaou and Oostrom, 2015). Therefore, to have a good job fit the selection process needs to focus more on the relevant competency level of the candidate for the available job.

    1. Thank you Afzal, yes recruitment process is directly affecting to organizational performances and job satisfaction in this case selection process must be well organized and HR staff should be knowledgeable to find right candidates for right positions. according to (Rozario et al., 2019), An essential aspect of human resource management in firms is the recruitment and selection process. But it is more crucial for the HR staff members in charge of hiring and selecting to select the winning application provided they have enough information to make the best decision.

  5. Hi Manoj..Goos topic, Further..The recruitment and selection are considered to be two different process. According to Barber (1998) recruitment refers to basic activity of attracting & identifying potential workers for the organizations. Gilmore & Williams (2013) discussed selection process starts after recruitment, where the job applications are scrutinized, and decisions are taken to choose right person for right job. Studies have discussed that the traditional personnel management functions specifically like recruitment and selection have been displaced based on organizational strategic objectives (Lance, 2007)

    1. Thank you Rayan, Yes, the hiring process has a direct impact on how well a business performs and how satisfied employees are with their jobs. In this instance, the selection process must be well-organized, and HR staff members should be informed to locate the best applicants for the best jobs. The recruiting and selection process is a crucial component of human resource management in businesses, according to (Anderson, 2001).Recruitment is the practice of luring people to fill a certain job position by enhancing the organization

  6. Agreed with the content. In addition, the recruitment process is can be defined "a means of discovering and locating potential workers to fill open jobs in a company". The HR recruitment and selection process makes it easier to choose people based on their operational capability and mentality, both of which are essential for accomplishing corporate goals. The recruitment procedure is the HRM department's most important duty. The Human Resource Manager makes use of a number of techniques to get in touch with potential candidates. The way you address candidates differs depending on where you get them (Sethumadhavan, 2021).

    1. Thanks Prabuddha for your great Idea. Further, The increased priority given to human resources in recent years has been one of the most important changes in the field of companies. Organizations cannot function without people because they bring viewpoints, values, and other characteristics to the workplace. When skillfully handled, these human characteristics can also be a great asset to the organization. Djabatey (2012)

  7. Grate introduction Manoj. The recruitment process has changes drastically due to the use of internet. It was in mid 1990s the internet recruitment tools first emerged. Many large & small organisations use internet recruiting in the current context & are becoming a favored medium of both employers and job-seekers (Dhamija, 2012). ‘The Internet has caused the largest change to the recruitment landscape in the past decade acting as a conduit between employers and job seekers’ (Barber, 2006)

    1. Thank you Layanjalie. I apriciate and agreed with your comment, yes internet recruitment has undergone major adjustments of The recruitment procedure. according to, (Barber, 2006). Since it enables us to more effectively manage a big number of prospects, e-recruiting is thought to be more effective. In addition, it is considered to be more in keeping with current trends. Because the business does not have to spend money on things like in-person interviews and offline ads, it is less expensive. Additionally, as the aforementioned statistics demonstrate, e-recruitment gives access to a larger talent pool

  8. Great intro Manoj. Also to add to your article, according to Sparrow (2002), technology and capital can be acquired by most firms at any time, for a price, but it is not easy to acquire a ready pool of highly qualified and motivated employees. Thus, in order to be differentiated, companies need to be very careful with the recruitment and selection process.

    1. Thank you Derrick. yes, I agreed with your point, Employers should use good judgment when choosing and hiring highly skilled and motivated personnel. depending on (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021). The HR department's primary duty is to give the association a recruiting advantage and competitive edge through the employment process. Finding and hiring a competent or eligible candidate to fill an available position is the recruitment process. The purpose of these policies or processes is to improve the standard of the work that is produced, employee engagement, and organizational effectiveness.

  9. Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment has been for many years and still remains one of the most prominent and important areas of research and practice in organization’s enviornemnt (Ryan & Ployhart, 2014) and Dealing traditionally with the successful attraction, assessment, selection and onboarding of employees in an organization, it has always been a critical and expensive operation in every organization Markey et al. (2012) stated that the work environment is the foremost element impacting the turnover intentions of employees or their decision of staying in the organization

    1. Agreed with you Iyngararaj, further, according to (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011). Businesses cannot afford the substantial negative costs associated with hiring and selecting unskilled candidates. In order to achieve the organization's strategic goals while spending as little money as possible, recruitment and selection inside the company generally have this goal in mind.

  10. Agreed. According to Garg (2011, in Shikari, 2011, p. 32), social networking is one of the best platforms for sourcing candidates, especially for today's generation. Nearly everyone uses social media to stay in touch with friends, family, and more recently, career opportunities.

    1. Thank you Ranga and agreed with you. Furthermore, Online recruitment refers to the process of attracting, evaluating, choosing, hiring, and onboarding job candidates using web-based technology (Okolie & Irabor, 2017). and its easy to use for the generation of today because Social networking is almost universally used to keep in touch with loved ones, friends, and more recently, job possibilities.

  11. Agreed to the content. Recruitment and selection is a major area in HR. Recruitment is taking a new set of people to the business whereas selection refers to allotment of right person in thr right job profile in the right time. Recruitment and Selection is altogether a process of discovering the talents of the participant and Alloting the person in the correct job profile which will help the business to achieve the goals.

    1. Many thanks for your comment Udaya. further, For any kind of company organization, recruitment and selection are essential components of human resource management. These phrases describe the method of attracting and selecting job seekers. The efficiency of these two tasks has a significant impact on the quality of the human resource the company has (Gamage, 2014).

  12. Good Article Manoj. Further, the main factors considered during recruitment and selection have been employee work performance, turnover rate, and job survival (Syed, 2012). The state of the labor market and the effectiveness of the company within it have a significant impact on the HRM strategy of every firm (Cleave, 2013). The ideal approach is to use analytics to assess prior recruiting efforts in order to determine the channels that will perform best for the firm in various circumstances (Sinha, 2013).

    1. Thank you Romeda. yes I agreed with your points. Furthermore, It is generally understood that recruiting is the point at which new employees join a company, and that from that point on, the company must take certain steps to ensure that they have drawn people who fit with its culture and vibe in order to accomplish their overall strategic objectives. In contrast, selection is the process of selecting the most qualified applicant from the pool of candidates hired to fill the appropriate job position (Opatha, 2010). with following these procedures organization can secure the employee productivity, turnover, and job retention.

  13. Great Article Manoj. Moreover I would like to mention there are essentially five internal sources for hiring. With the exception of job bidding, these are: promotion, transfer, job posting, and job bidding. Additionally, the company might want some of its present employees to compete with other applicants for specific positions, so it might set up job bidding. Armstrong (2006). 

  14. Great introduction Manoj, According to (Hamza, 2021), a thorough recruiting and selection procedure can ensure an organization's productivity and consistency of performance as well as help further shape employee behavior and attitude.

    1. Thank you Mushadiq. furthermore, Recruitment, according to Opatha (2010), is the process of locating and attracting suitably qualified individuals to apply for employment openings within the firm. It is a series of actions an organization does to entice applicants with the required skills and attitudes. Creating a pool of qualified candidates for open positions inside an organization is known as recruitment.

  15. Agreed on the above content Manoj, (Boateng, 2021) states, it is a process of selecting the most suitable candidate among the pool of candidates who apply for the job. The result of this process will be the elimination of unsuitable candidates and the use of scientific techniques to identify the most suitable candidates.

    1. Yes Tharaka I agreed with you. according to (Gamage, 2014). Selection may also be viewed as a process of rejection because it rejects many candidates and chooses just a small number of applicants to fill the position. Selection requires the use of one or more procedures to evaluate an applicant's fitness in order to make the right selection choice. Hence, selection function may be a negative function as compared to a positive function.

  16. I agree with your content and i would like to add that according to (Argue, 2015) the recruitment and selection process depends on the type of industry which is trying to recruit and select. The aspects looked into during recruitment and selection can be a specific qualification or a certain level of experience, sometimes even specific skills or service, the employee brings to the table. Some organizations are focused on the cultural diversity where multicultural employees are preferred in order to keep the culture strong and maintained within the organization.

    1. Thank you Hemantraj for your valuable comment. yes, Iagreed with you furthermore, according to ,Patrick A. Edewor & Yetunde Aluko (2007) Organizational culture includes the members' shared values, principles, beliefs, practices, and actions. However, because members come from different origins and have different views, values, and social conventions, this has led to differences in their performance at work.

  17. Agreed & furthermore, according to Yoder, Recruitment is the process of identifying sources of manpower to meet the staffing schedule's requirements and implementing effective measures to attract that manpower in sufficient numbers to facilitate effective workforce selection (Gupta & Kumar, 2014)

    1. Thank you Farhan. Furthermore, according to (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021) The purpose of Recruitment process or these policies is to improve the standard of the work that is produced, employee engagement, and organizational effectiveness.

  18. Good Article Manoj, Recruitment should be properly planned and in line with the organization's overall corporate strategy, culture, and values (Bryson, 2011). It's vital to note that some organizations' recruitment and selection policies and procedures may use internal promotion as a primary means of ensuring that employees remain motivated and devoted (O'Meara, 2013).

    1. Thank you Ameen. I agreed with you. The organization's entire corporate strategy, culture, and values should be considered while planning recruitment. The organization's entire corporate strategy, culture, and values should be considered while planning recruitment. according to (Walker, 2009) Selection starts when the correct caliber of candidates are identified, and recruitment is the process of locating and luring suitable candidates from within and outside of an organization to start examining them for potential employment


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