Types of Recruitment

When there is a need to fill a vacant position the first action any recruiter would do is to identify the requirements of the position. Any business that wants to build and keep a productive team must recruit new members (Bienvenu et al., 2012). A wise recruitment strategy will cut down on the time and money lost on expensive training and development of under qualified resources. Range of methods can be used to identify, sort, shortlist, and select the resources that best meet the goals of the firm therefore this can be mainly categorized into internal and external (Shafique, 2013).



Internal Sources of Recruitment

This is where the search of talent is conducted within the company this means that recruiters will look for the required qualified talents within the employees of the company besides it is the first alternative for any recruiter. This makes the employees to be more responsible, motivates them to work and they are aware of their code of ethics. As the employer they are already aware of the employee’s nature and they do not need to analyse on the employee work culture. This also less costly for the company as they do not need to invest on job advertisements and recruitment process therefore it is cost effective (Muscalu, 2015).


When someone is promoted, it indicates that their performance within the organization has been evaluated. It entails promoting someone up the corporate ladder to a more responsible, lucrative, prestigious, and higher-status position. To fill the more senior open positions, many organizations use internal promotion procedures members (Bienvenu et al., 2012).


Moving from one post to another without changing status or duties is referred to as a "transfer." It might also entail relocating employees from one department to another or from one location to another, depending on the demands of the job (Muscalu, 2015).


Recruiting Former Employees

Internal sources of recruiting is a technique whereby former employees are contacted for interviews based on the needs of the position. This approach saves both time and money. Due to their familiarity with the job's responsibilities as prior employees, the company will spend less on their training and development as a result of recruiting them (Shafique, 2013).

Internal Advertisements (Job Posting)

Internal advertising refers to the process of advertising and publishing job openings within the organization. All firm workers are cordially invited to react to this job posting and apply for the positions that are currently open. Everyone employed by the organization is given equal opportunities. As a result, hiring from within the company will be less expensive (Wills et al., 2016).

Employee Referrals

Finding the top applicants is more affordable when done through employee recommendations. It is common practice to verify the references of current employees of a company when hiring new employees. By employing this strategy, current workers might suggest friends and family members to fill unfilled positions (Muscalu, 2015). Employers value employee referrals because they save time and money compared to searching for prospects elsewhere. For a successful hire, most companies will go ahead and reward their personnel with a referral bonus in order to motivate them (Wills et al., 2016).

Previous Applicants

The hiring team here looks over prior candidates' resumes from the database of organizational recruitment. These applicants are people who have already submitted a job application. These resources are readily available, and the outcome will frequently be positive. It is also an inexpensive way to fill the open positions members (Bienvenu et al., 2012).


External Sources of Recruitment

This is where the company focuses on finding the suitable candidates outside the organization with the use external sources. In other words, in this situation, job seekers are people who are not affiliated with the company (Sobocka-Szczapa, 2021). This is a long and detailed recruitment process and it is entailed to making job ads, collecting resumes, analyzing candidates, interviewing them and finally hiring the best on. An employee who has just arrived has a fresh perspective about the company can offer new ideas that they have already used to the company in previously. They can offer new knowledge and skills which is good for the company’s performance (Al-Khasawneh et al., 2018).

 Direct Recruitment

Direct hiring refers to the practice of selecting qualified candidates from outside sources after advertising a job opening on the organization's notice board. This kind of sourcing, also known as factory gate recruiting, is used to hire both technical and blue-collar workers (Al-Khasawneh., 2018).

Employment Exchanges

The business is required by law to inform the employment exchange about specific job opportunities. Employers can access job seekers' personal data from the Employment Exchange, a government agency, to help them fill open positions. Hiring novice, semi-skilled, and skilled workers via this external recruitment is advantageous (Wills et al., 2016).

Employment Agencies

Employment agencies are a reliable outside source for hiring. Government, the public sector, and the commercial sector all operate employment agencies. According to the needs of the organization, it offers unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled resources. These organizations provide their services to organizations for a fee, and they maintain a database of qualified individuals (Bienvenu et al., 2012)



Advertisements are the preferred and most popular external source of recruiting. The job opening, a thorough job description, and a list of requirements are all publicized through various print and internet media. The fastest way to locate applicants is to use advertising, which also give you a rapid way to evaluate each candidate's qualifications (Shafique, 2013).

Professional Associations

Professional associations can help a company hire professionals, technicians, and managers, but typically specialize in locating mid-level and top-level resources. There are many professional associations that connect job seekers and businesses (Wills et al., 2016).

Campus Recruitment

Campus recruiting refers to a method of hiring that takes place in colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning. Companies use this process to directly hire students for open positions by visiting technical, management, and professional colleges (Bienvenu et al., 2012).

Word of Mouth Advertising

Word-of-mouth advertising is a non-physical way to identify candidates to fill open positions. There are numerous well-known companies on the industry with a good reputation. Such businesses only need to use word-of-mouth advertising on a job opening to attract a large number of applicants (Muscalu, 2015).

List of References


1)     Akif Lutfi Al-Khasawneh, Nazem Mahmoud Malkawi, AlGarni, Abdulla Ayed, Sources of recruitment at foreign commercial banks in Jordan and their impact on the job performance proficiency. Vol 3, pp2


2)     E Muscalu 3 March 2015. Management and Economics: SOURCES OF HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT ORGANIZATION, Vol 1 pp3


3)     Halina Sobocka-Szczapa, 18 March 2021. Department of Economics, Social Academy of Sciences in Łódź: Recruitment of Employees—Assumptions of the Risk Model



4)     Jarrah Wills, John Herbohn, Maria Opelia Maranguit Moreno, Mayet S. Avela, Jennifer Firn, 06 October 2016. Next-generation tropical forests: reforestation type affects recruitment of species and functional diversity in a human-dominated landscape.


5)     Owais Shafique, 1 June 2012. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business: Recruitment in the 21st Century. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 887-901


6)     Thomas C.M.Bienvenu13DanielaBusti2Peter J.Magill1FrancescoFerraguti2MarcoCapogna, 21 June 2012. Cell-Type-Specific Recruitment of Amygdala Interneurons to Hippocampal Theta Rhythm and Noxious Stimuli In Vivo. Vol 74, Pages 1059-1074






  1. Grate Post Manoj, in my view of context it is most good way to fill the job vacancies first by internal sources. Because it give many chance to current employes to grove there carrier path. the training and development system shall always identify the future job requirement and skills which need to fulfill the such jobs and therefore the system shall develop current work force match exactly future job requitement.

    1. Thank you Rasika. In my point of view both concepts are more important for any organization. according to (István 2010) If the incorrect people are hired, it will have a very negative effect on the organization's bottom line since it will lead to severely low staff morale, low productivity, and missed opportunities. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly crucial for recruiters to employ the best and most relevant procedures whether it comes to internal or external recruitment and selection.


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